Why inspiration day's are so powerful in your business


I wanted to chat about something that I’ve started adding into my weekly schedule that have had such a big impact on my business and these are inspiration days.


It’s the idea of having space and time away from work to let your mind wander... breaking out of the idea that you have to be at your desk to be productive. I actually get my best ideas and feel more inspired when I’m doing something not work related. 


  1. Space to recharge and get creative - If you notice yourself feeling less creative and lacking inspiration, a day where you can step away from your work and routine gives your mind the space it needs to recharge, helping you come back with fresh, fun ideas.

  2. Refocus on what matters: When we focus on our daily tasks and to-do lists it can be easy to lose sight of what’s important and fulfilling for you. An inspiration day allows you to reconnect with your mission and check in with the direction of your business.

  3. Boost your mood: You didn’t start your business to be stuck working long hours everyday. Take an inspiration day to embrace and enjoy the flexibility and freedom of your business!

  4. Learn and research: When we’re busy working it’s hard to find time to learn and keep up to date with changes in your industry. Use days like this to learn more about what you love doing and see all the new ideas and inspiration come flooding in!

  5. Work-Business Balance: Overwhelm and burnout are a real thing for business owners. Looking after yourself as the boss is essential, allowing yourself space gives you that needed balance and time for life outside of work which ultimately makes you more productive when you're working.

So, how can you make the most of your inspiration days? The key is to do what truly inspires you. Have a look at some ideas for your next inspiration days:


🌼Message a friend to plan a day out

🌸Chill on the sofa watching your favourite series/film

🌼Book onto a creative workshop

🌸Take yourself to a coffee shop

🌼Spend time out in nature

🌸Start a new book

🌼Spend time in the kitchen baking/cooking

🌸Have a break from social media and rest

🌼Visit galleries or museums

🌸Watch a show or live music

🌼Soak up time and be present with loved ones


Each inspiration day is different, you may need it to rest, do something creative, spend it with others, to reconnect. Remember, inspiration days are important, there’s no need to feel guilty for taking time away from work. By taking time for yourself , you'll come back feeling refresh, with more energy, reconnected to your purpose and more inspiration! Your business will thank you for it. Let me know how you find it!