How I realised that a lifestyle business was right for me


I wanted to share my story about how I ended up creating a lifestyle business and realising that was the right choice for me. I knew for a long time I wanted my own business, and even when I started my online business in 2019, I didn’t think it would be my forever business. I imagined it would be my first business before moving onto building another “big” business further down the line, where I'd have an office and team etc. 

But since starting my business and the last few years it’s showed me that this is enough. I don’t need a big, scalable business to feel successful and that I’ve made it. That idea of building a big business wasn’t really for me but for me to prove myself to others because of what I’d been taught to believe was a proper business. 

What I've come to realise is, of course this business is a proper business but it's also the right business for me. I wouldn’t suit a business where I’d have to be in the same office everyday or responsible for a whole team!

It's allowed me to see what's truly important to me, which is having freedom and flexibility and a business that supports me to embrace life fully. Your business vision and journey, all comes down to what matters to you.

I love having a lifestyle business and I LOVE supporting my client's in Your Season To Bloom to build their business around them and their lifestyle. 

If you’d like to build your business to support you as the human first, read more about my 3 month programme Your Season To Bloom here.