How to set goals in your business that align with your values


Setting goals in your business can feel daunting, but when you create them from a place of intention and alignment they can feel fun and exciting! So, grab a pen and paper and let's dive in!

Discover Your Values

Okay, let's start by thinking about what’s really important to you. Sit down with a cup of coffee, tea, a smoothie and let your mind wonder…

What truly matters to you and your business? What words come up? Honesty, creativity, sustainability, freedom, time? Identifying these core values are so powerful in guiding goals that feel aligned and fulfilling, when you’re clear on them write them down.

What’s your big vision?

Now that you've got your values sorted, it's time to get dreaming. Imagine your business feeling the most fulfilling, picture what that would look like? This dream is your long-term vision, and it should feel exciting!

Prioritise your values

Your big vision takes time to reach, so start with the values that are the most important to you right now, then identify goals that align with those values e.g. time - how can you give yourself more time in your business?

  • Create digital products

  • Outsource

  • Increase prices

  • Automate systems

Once you’ve decided the best option, it’s time to set your goal. I like to use the SMART goal setting method to get clear and specific when setting goals (if you have a different way to set you goals of course go for that).

Let’s get practical

You’ve done the thinking work, now it’s time to break down your goal into action steps, so it’s manageable and exciting! If you’re increasing your prices, decide which offers, the new price, let existing and new clients/customers know, update your website etc. Make it fun and keep your eye on what this change will bring you!

Enjoy the process

Remember, goals can change. Review them regularly to make sure they're still aligning with your values and long-term vision. And don't forget to find the joy in the process. If something isn't working, that’s okay. Adjust, learn from it and and try a different approach.

Share your values

Don’t forget to share your values with your audience, let them get to see what you’re all about and what’s important to you! It’s so good for building deeper connections and a loyal community who support you and believe in similar things!

Setting business goals that align with your values will feel fun and fulfilling. You get to choose what your business looks like and what your goals are. Hope you enjoy setting your goals, and let your business journey be colourful and fun!