Spring Journal Prompts for Small Business Owners


As the vibrant energy of Spring blooms around us, it’s the perfect time for mindful reflection and intentional planning.

With the second quarter of the year upon us, it’s a great time to pause, and notice where we are, where we want to go, and how we can align our intentions with our goals for this new season.

Before diving headfirst into the new season, let’s carve out some space to reflect on the journey we've travelled so far.

This pause allows us to acknowledge our accomplishments, letting go of anything that no longer serves us and get clear on what we desire for the months ahead.

Setting intentions isn’t just about outlining business goals; it’s about crafting a holistic vision that encompasses both business strategy and personal fulfillment. Here are some mindful prompts to guide your intention-setting journey this Spring.

Spring Journal Prompts for Mindful Business Owners:

1. What are 3 things you’re proud of from the last season?

Take a moment to celebrate your wins from the past season. Acknowledge three things you're proud of accomplishing, whether they’re big milestones or small victories. Celebrating these achievements can bring confidence as you move forward.

2. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned so far this year?

Reflect on the lessons learned since the beginning of the year. What challenges have you overcome? Every experience, whether positive or challenging, offers an opportunity for growth. Embrace these lessons as stepping stones towards your future success.

3. Is there anything you’re letting go of moving into Spring?

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, making it the perfect time to let go of anything holding you back. Is there a mindset, habit, or belief you're ready to release? By shedding what no longer serves you, you create space for new opportunities and possibilities to unfold.

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FREE WORKSHOP: Build Your Business With Intention

In this 30 minute workshop we look at the 4S’s within your business that impact how you show up and run your business. You will then identify which of these areas needs more support and clarity around what you want this to look like, then set out action steps for you to work on and implement after the workshop.

4. What would you like to have done by the end of this season?

Picture what you want to achieve by the end of this season. Define your goals with clarity and specificity, both for your business and your personal life. What projects do you want to complete? What milestones do you want to reach? Setting clear intentions empowers you to stay focused and aligned in this season.

5. How can you get there? What actions can you take? Who can support you?

Once you’ve set your intentions, create a roadmap to bring them into reality. Identify the actionable steps you need to take and the resources or support you require along the way. Whether it's investing in self-care practices or seeking mentorship, prioritise actions that nurture both your business and your well-being.

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6. What are you looking forward to heading into Spring?

Finally, infuse your journey with moments of joy and fulfillment. Create a list of activities that bring you happiness and make time for them throughout the season. Whether it's taking a nature walk, practicing mindfulness, or indulging in creative hobbies, prioritise activities that nourish your soul and inspire creativity.

As conscious business owners, our journey is not just about achieving external success; it's about finding balance, fulfillment, and joy along the way. By approaching this season with mindfulness and intentionality, we can cultivate growth that resonates deeply with our values and aspirations.

So, as you embrace the energy of Spring, take a moment to set intentions that honour both your business and your well-being. May this season be filled with what you need!


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