10 steps to create an online business strategy


Have you read that you should have a business strategy, but not really sure where to start?

First of all, it doesn’t need to feel overwhelming and I’ve laid out 10 simple steps below to help you create your online business strategy.

Having a business strategy will give you direction and keep you focussed because a strategy is essentially a detailed plan that consists of goals and actions to guide you and your business towards your mission and vision.

Every business is different so the strategy you create will look different to another business and that’s what you want! The differences you identify will be what sets you apart from others and will make it easier for your ideal people to resonate with your business.

I’m here to help you create a strategy for your business, that will help you build and grow your business, in the right way for you.

1. Get clear on your mission and values

The first step is to really understand your why for building this business. Your why will be the thing that keeps you going when things are hard and will always give you direction.

  • Write down why your business exists - what is it solving?

  • Why you are passionate about offering your services and what impact you want to make to your clients?

  • Then onto identifying your values - why is this important to you?

Fill in the gaps:

I help [ describe your audience ] who [ their desires/challenges ] to achieve [ outcome/transformation ]

This is what you’ll use to describe your business to others and is so powerful in keeping you connected to your mission and values.

2. Identify your ideal client

Feeling really clear on who you’re speaking to makes it far easier to market and sell your services. You may already have an idea who your audience is from step 1, but using build it out even more so you can picture this ideal client you want to work with. I used to think this idea was a little odd, but the online world is very noisy and it can get distracting. So if you can clearly picture who your ideal client is (some people call it a buyer persona), it can help keep things clear for you.

  • Spend some time, writing a little story around who your ideal client is, you can give them a name, a whole little life and how your business fits in and support them.

Market research is also a super useful way to get to know your audience. It may however be easier to do this once you’ve set up your website and social media platforms (see below), as you’ll people able to do social media polls, email questionnaires etc. I know this doesn’t sound very fun but it can bring confidence in your business and clarity around exactly who your ideal client is and what they need from your business.

3. Write your brand story

This is where you share about your reasons for starting your business (mission), why this is important to you (values) and the transformational journey you offer to your clients. Your brand story should resonate with your audience on an emotional level, capturing their attention and inspiring them to engage with your services. Authentic storytelling is key to building trust and fostering connections with potential clients.

4. Build your online presence

Now it’s time to start building out your online presence, so your ideal clients can find your business and connect with you. The first step to building your online presence is with a website, the reason I suggest a website first is because this is your own personal hub that you own and have control over, use your website to showcase your services, share valuable content, show testimonials and share your brand story. Once you’ve started working on your website it’s time to think about what others ways you’d like to market your business and what spaces you’d like to be visible. Are there any you social media platforms you particularly like using? Which ones do you think your ideal client will be spending their time? If you want some help building out a marketing strategy that works for you, have a read of this blog.

5. Set your business goals

This is where you figure out what you want to achieve from your business and what timeframe. When you’re just starting out it’s okay to keep your business goals a little broader


  • I want x amount of visits to my website

  • I want to sign x number of clients

  • I want to to grow my email list

Once you’ve got into a flow, you’ll want to start looking at refining your goals every business season, so they are more specific and detailed, e.g. I want to get 50 new email subscribers, I want to pitch to speak on 10 pocasts, see this blog on setting achievable business goals. But when you’re starting out, keeping them broad can help it feel easier and give you some breathing space.

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FREE WORKSHOP: Build Your Business With Intention

In this 30 minute workshop we look at the 4S’s within your business that impact how you show up and run your business. You will then identify which of these areas needs more support and clarity around what you want this to look like, then set out action steps for you to work on and implement after the workshop.

6. Content marketing

Content is a huge tool for an online business and there are so many different types of content you can create to provide value to your audience. Provide valuable content that educates, inspires, and empowers your audience. You can do this through blog posts, videos, webinars, or downloadable resources that address challenges or create solutions for what your ideal clients face. By creating valuable content it can welcome potential clients into your customer journey and give them insights into how your business could support them.

7. Build a community

Community is at the centre of everything and is powerful in helping your business grow. Focus on building genuine relationships with your audience and clients based on trust, empathy, and authenticity. Take the time to listen to their needs, concerns, and feedback, and tailor your services to meet their individual requirements. Personalised interactions and attentive communication will strengthen client loyalty and encourage referrals and repeat business. There are lots of ways to build your community both online and offline - networking events, book clubs, creative workshops or through your social media platforms, online events, guest podcasts.

8. Create a memorable client experience

From when someone starts working with you and beyond create an experience they remember. Set up a service delivery workflow to create a seamless and delightful experience for your clients from start to finish. Things to include - clearly define your service offerings, pricing structure, and set expectations and boundaries from the start so you can provide the best experience for your client, lastly think about how you can add personal touches in the process. Research whether you want to use any softwares to automate any part of the process e.g. calendly, dubsado, paperbell - these are all examples of different platforms that offer different levels of automation and streamlining. Leverage technology and automation tools to streamline administrative tasks and enhance efficiency while maintaining a personal touch.

9. Continue learning and growing

Once you’re all set up and you’re in a flow, look at how you can continue to learn. There are so many ways to learn - maybe start by creating a list of books and slowly work through those, or invest in any training or mentorship to support you on your business journey. By continuously learning it brings fresh ideas, inspiration and means you can continue to deliver the best value and experience for your clients.

10. Prioritise your well-being

I’ve put it at the end but it’s arguably one of the most important steps - As a business owner, prioritising your own well-being is essential. I speak a lot about building your business to support you and how you live, and this is something that can be built in once you’ve set up the foundation work from this blog. But if you want to find out more about what it means to build your business so it puts you first, read this. Gentle ways you can prioritise yourself - set realistic expectations for clients, if possible, outsource any work that you find draining, and schedule regular breaks. Nurturing your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing is essential for building a sustainable and fulfilling business and life.

If you’ve got to here, it’s time to get started on your online business strategy! Work through each step and implement as you go! You’ve got this, happy business planning!

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