Low energy tasks you can do in your business that increase sales

Laura Blume, online business strategist, sat in her office working on a client business strategy

When we think about making more money in our business we can often jump straight to thinking about adding a new things.

You may have done this, perhaps added a new offering to your services or created a new digital product.

But these changes often require a lot of time, energy and marketing, this isn’t to say these aren’t also great ways to make more money but they are not always the only options.

You may be craving a slower season in your business and don’t have the time or energy to add new offers or products.

So these are four strategies that can significantly increase your revenue without having to add as much time and energy:

1. Reach Out to Past Clients:

Reconnecting with past clients is a great way to increase your revenue and often overlooked. Past clients have worked with you before and so may be more inclined to work with you again as you’ve already built that loyalty and connection. A simple personalised email to check in on their current needs can reignite a business chat. Additionally, it’s an opportunity to showcase any new offerings or promotions that might pique their interest. Don’t underestimate this simple but super effective way of bringing in more income into your business this season.

2. Continue Working With Existing Clients:

This may not always apply with your existing clients or the services you offer, however if you are working with any clients who could benefit from continuing to work with you in another capacity this is an option. Or even creating a way of continuing that open conversation and working relationship with your clients with a check in option that you offer at the end of working together. Of course, consider which clients you would like to continue working with too.


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3. Increase Your Prices:

If you haven’t reviewed your existing pricing for a while, this is a way to directly impact your revenue without requiring lots of energy and time. If it feels like a good time and right for you to increase your prices consider this during a lower energy business season. When you make these changes let your existing clients know what this means for them and when existing prices will increase.

4. Review Expenses:

When you run a business you can end up paying for lots of different subscriptions, that may have been needed and useful once, but perhaps no longer serve you. Review what you’re currently paying out for each month/year and identify whether there are any that can be cut or even look for cheaper alternatives if applicable.

Implementing these low-energy strategies can make a big difference to your revenue growth without requiring too much energy or time. However, it’s essential to approach these tasks thoughtfully and strategically.

These changes may seem simple, but focusing on nurturing relationships, enhancing client journeys, adjusting pricing strategically, and managing expenses, can lead to you building a more sustainable business strategy.

Don’t underestimate the power of these small and simple tasks, that can really support you and your business during slower and quieter seasons.


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