How often should a business plan be updated?


As a small business owner, a key part of creating a long term business is allocating time throughout the year to review and adjust your business plan.

The key elements of your business strategy - your business mission, vision and values stay constant - but your priorities, goals, capacities and energies are always evolving.

In this blog, we'll explore why refreshing your business plan every season is essential to stay aligned with the natural rhythms of change and to ensure sustainable growth.

Your Business Seasons

Just as nature transitions through spring, summer, autumn, and winter, so too does your business embrace the phases of nurture, bloom, gather and rest. Each season brings its own set of opportunities and challenges, calling for a nuanced approach to your business strategy. By refreshing your business plan every season, you acknowledge and honour these natural rhythms, adapting your goals and actions as needed.

Aligning with Your Energy and Capacity

As humans, our energy and capacity fluctuates throughout the year. In some seasons you may find yourself brimming with creativity and motivation, while in others you may require more time for rest and reflection. By refreshing your business plan regularly, you empower yourself to align your workload and commitments with your energy levels to prevent overworking and optimise your productivity. So whether it's scaling up ready for peak seasons or dialling back to recharge during slower periods, a seasonal approach allows you to honour your holistic well-being while nurturing your business.

Meeting the Changing Needs of Your Clients

Just as your energy ebbs and flows, so do the needs and preferences of your clients. A seasonal refresh of your business plan enables you to stay attuned to their changing desires, tailoring your services and offerings to meet them where they’re at. Whether it's introducing seasonal promotions, launching new products, or different service options, knowing how you can support your customers/clients best each season means you’re not wasting time and energy on things that won’t move your business forward.

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FREE WORKSHOP: Build Your Business With Intention

In this 30 minute workshop we look at the 4S’s within your business that impact how you show up and run your business. You will then identify which of these areas needs more support and clarity around what you want this to look like, then set out action steps for you to work on and implement after the workshop.

Harnessing the Power of Prioritisation

As a small business owner, it's easy to get caught up in a never-ending to-do list. However, not all tasks are equal, and not all seasons call for the same priorities. By refreshing and reviewing your business plan every season, it helps you bring clarity and focus, identifying the most important goals to action during each phase of the year. Whether it's investing in marketing efforts ahead of peak seasons or dedicating time to professional development during slower periods, strategically prioritising each season means you don’t end up with a never ending to-list, instead it breaks down your goals into different seasons. I have a blog all about setting achievable goals that you can read here.

Embracing Flexibility and Change

In business change is inevitable, so by reviewing your business plan every season, you give space for flexibility, empowering yourself to adapt and evolve in response to shifting circumstances. Whether it's experimenting with new service offerings, exploring alternative revenue streams, reducing your workload, sourcing new suppliers, staying open to change allows you to continue moving forward with more ease.

Conclusion: Navigating the Seasons of Business

Your business is always evolving and by refreshing your business plan every season, you embrace the natural rhythms of change, aligning your actions with the ebb and flow of energy, priorities, and opportunities. Stay mindful, stay adaptable, and stay true to your vision as you navigate the seasons of business.

Remember, it's not about sticking to a rigid plan but rather embracing a dynamic approach to business and life. Embrace each season as an opportunity for renewal, inspiration, creativity, and growth and let the rhythm of change bring you greater fulfilment in your business journey.

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