Client Story: Rachel Grosvenor, Author & Writing Coach


Dr. Rachel Grosvenor is a critically acclaimed author and writing coach who is dedicated in supporting writers to feel confident in their writing through action-based coaching from page to print.

One of Rachel’s desires was to be able to spend more time on her own writing, however her business had reached full capacity in both time and money and so wasn’t bringing her total fulfillment, as Rachel’s why for starting her own online business was to both support other writers but have the time and space to do her own writing.

We started by understanding what capacity she would have if she allocated a certain amount of time each week to her writing. Once we had identified this we were able to see how many hours Rachel had available to work with clients each week. We then looked at her financial goals within her business, by looking at both time capacity and financial goals, we were able to start restructuring Rachel’s current services to continue to provide the same value but in a more coherent process that worked better for both herself and clients. Within this we looked at the current pricing of services and how this could be adjusted to suit her goals whilst also considering accessible options within her offerings.

Over the four months we worked together to build these new changes into Rachel’s business, this involved creating a new work schedule for what she wants her week to look with more time to write and do things she enjoys. We set out creating the new packages - the structure, timeline, copy for website, socials. We spent the first month getting this all ready, and then created a marketing plan for the next 3 months for Rachel to promote the new packages and start to get booked up throughout the year.

1:1 Business Strategy: Your Season To Bloom

This service is Your Season To Bloom, 4 months of 1:1 business strategy support. It’s my most hands on and involved service, where I work really closely with clients over 4 months to start building their business in a way that works better for them, one that puts them first by honouring their energy, creativity, rest and goals. You can find out more about this service here.

Listen to what Rachel had to say about working together:


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