What is the first step in online business strategy?


Starting your online business is a very exciting time with lots to think about and learn.

As a conscious business owner the vision you have for your business likely goes beyond the money and sales, you want to have a lasting positive impact, cultivate strong connections and provide value to your future customers/clients.

So before you dive head first into the online world, spend some time crafting a solid business strategy that will keep you focussed when you enter the noisy online space, I have written a blog here - 10 steps to creating an online business strategy, come back to it after reading this.

This blog goes into more detail around the first step of creating an online business strategy and it’s all about having total clarity around your why for starting your business.

Below I’ve broken down the different stages to build greater clarity around your business:

1. Craft your mission statement

Your mission statement encompasses your purpose, the why for creating your business and also include what your business is and does. Your mission statement will help guide you and keep you focussed as you continue through your business journey. Fill in the gaps in this blog post to build out your statement.

2. Know your audience

Understanding your audience will make it much easier to create services/products they need and messaging that resonates. Spend some time putting your feet in your audience’s shoes to really understand them. What challenges are they facing? What are their desires and aspirations? How can your offerings address their needs in a way that’s impactful way?

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FREE WORKSHOP: Build Your Business With Intention

In this 30 minute workshop we look at the 4S’s within your business that impact how you show up and run your business. You will then identify which of these areas needs more support and clarity around what you want this to look like, then set out action steps for you to work on and implement after the workshop.

3. What makes you/your business different?

If you’re a one person business then you are the secret sauce, the one thing that another business can’t have is your personality, style, approach, meaning. So let your uniqueness shine through in your content, messaging, client experience. If you’re a product based business, identify what it is about your products that are unique, perhaps there’s an emphasis on personal touch, or the environment, or your customer service is stand out! You may want to think of a few words you want your audience to feel when they see your brand that will help you evoke this throughout your online presence.

4. Aligning with your values

Spend some time reflecting on what’s important to you, perhaps it’s freedom, the environment, fairness, joy, then think about how you can incorporate these feelings or actions throughout your business, from your mission statement all the way to returning customers/clients. When your business encapsulates your values, it’ll bring greater alignment and authenticity to your audience.

The first step towards building your online business is not just about creating a business plan; it's about defining the clarity and purpose of your work, then aligning your actions with mindful intention. By defining your mission, understanding your audience, and embracing your values, you lay the foundations for a business that not only thrives financially but also nourishes you and makes a meaningful impact in the lives of others.

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