Business Marketing Strategy vs Marketing Plan


As a mindful online business owner, the task of marketing can feel weighty yet essential. It demands not just effort but an investment of your time and energy.

Ensuring that you craft a thoughtful marketing strategy and a marketing plan: where each action is purposeful, it nurtures sustainable growth and fosters genuine connections with your audience.

In this blog, let's explore the subtle yet important difference between a marketing strategy and a marketing plan. When the differences are understood and considered, they work together, intertwining to guide the marketing of your online business.

Let’s Get Rooted in the Terms

Let's clarify what we mean by "marketing strategy" and "marketing plan."

Marketing Strategy: This serves as the overarching framework guiding your business's approach to reaching and engaging your audience. It considers your long-term goals, defines what makes your business stand out, identifies your ideal clients/customers, and outlines how you'll position your brand through messaging and offerings.

Marketing Plan: While the strategy sets the direction, the marketing plan is the path that implements the strategy. It outlines the specific actions you'll follow to align with your strategy and goals. A marketing plan is more detailed and changes more frequently than your strategy, the plan usually includes timelines, budgets, platforms, and metrics for analysis.

The Harmony of Strategy and Plan

As you can see, you need both a marketing strategy and marketing plan to guide how you market your business for sustainable growth. Let’s breakdown how they work together:

  1. Clarity of Purpose: Your marketing strategy guides you with clarity, aligning your business's purpose with the needs and desires of your audience. It's about understanding the 'why' behind what you do and how it resonates with your people. Your marketing plan, on the other hand, translates this clarity into actionable steps, outlining how you'll share your message and purpose through various platforms and touch points.

  2. Genuine Connection: Your marketing strategy is about forging meaningful connections built on trust and loyalty with your community. Your marketing plan then becomes the channel through which you express this understanding, outlining how you'll engage with your audience to nurture these connections.

  3. Flexibility and Adaptability: With the ebbs and flows that come with running your business, adaptability is needed. Your marketing strategy provides the overarching vision, but it should also be flexible enough to shift if needed. Your marketing plan, likewise, should allow for movement, enabling you to adjust actions and ideas based on changes and evolving circumstances.

  4. Measurable Impact: While the meaning for your business is so much more than numbers and growth, they are needed to guide how you spend your time and continue to grow sustainably. Your marketing strategy should include objectives and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that align with your business goals. Your marketing plan then outlines how you'll measure these metrics, allowing you to assess what’s working, what needs a change and what is no longer serving you and your business, so you can make informed decisions moving forward.

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In this 30 minute workshop we look at the 4S’s within your business that impact how you show up and run your business. You will then identify which of these areas needs more support and clarity around what you want this to look like, then set out action steps for you to work on and implement after the workshop.

Cultivating Harmony in Your Marketing

To cultivate harmony between your marketing strategy and marketing plan, consider the following practices:

  • Start with Why: Ground your strategy in a deep understanding of why your business exists and the impact you want to create.

  • Know Your Audience: Invest time in understanding who your people are, what are their needs, aspirations, and challenges so you can tailor your approach accordingly.

  • Stay Flexible: Embrace a mindset of experimentation, allowing yourself the freedom to adapt and refine your strategies based on reflection and change.

  • Embrace Connectivity: Let your messaging and values shine through in every aspect of your marketing, fostering genuine connections with your audience.

  • Measure What Matters: Identify meaningful metrics that align with your business objectives and use them as guidance to track your progress and refine your approach over time.

Closing Thoughts

Crafting a marketing strategy that’s supported by a marketing plan is is not just about driving growth; it's about honouring your purpose, nurturing connections, and creating a meaningful impact in the lives of your customers or clients. So, as you move forward with your business marketing, remember: strategy plants the seeds, but it's the plan that brings your vision to life.


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