Embrace your unique way of working

Have you ever wondered why some people are at their most productive and creative during the early hours of the morning, while others thrive in the late hours of the evening? If you've ever felt pressured to stick to working the traditional 9-5 work schedule, even if it doesn't align with your natural rhythms, you're not alone. In this blog, I share about the importance of embracing your unique work rhythm and how it can bring more creativity, productivity, and improve your business-life balance.

1. You don’t have to work 9-5:

For many years, society has conditioned us to believe that the ideal workday is between 9 AM and 5 PM. However, the reality is that we all have different rhythms and energy patterns. Some of us are early birds, full of energy and focus in the morning, while others are night owls, who come alive in the evening. So trying to fit everyone into the same structure doesn’t always work and can actually be counterproductive.

2. Embracing Your Unique Work Rhythm:

It's so important to understand and embrace your individual work rhythm. If you find that you're at your most creative and productive in the morning, don't force yourself to work late into the night. Similarly, if you enjoy working in the evening, trying to be productive early in the day might not be the best strategy for you. Also, knowing the best time for you to work can mean the work you do during those times can be better quality!

3. Breaking Free from Societal Expectations:

It’s not easy to break out of a way of working we’ve been brought up to know and learn. We may believe that working long hours or sticking to a specific schedule is the only way to be considered hardworking and can often lead to feelings of guilt if we move away from that structure. But in reality, working in alignment with your natural rhythm can be far more impactful for you and your business.

4. Crafting a Work Structure that Suits You:

Once you've identified your unique work rhythm, it's time to build a work structure around it. This structure should nurture your most productive and creative hours and allow you to have more time to rest and do non-work activities. When your work schedule aligns with your natural energy patterns, you'll find that you can be more efficient and feel less overwhelmed.

5. The Benefits of Finding Your Work Rhythm:

When you are in alignment with your natural work rhythm, it can look like this:

  • Less overwhelm and stress: By working when you're at your best, you can do more in less time, and not feel pressured to stick to the 9-5 schedule.

  • Increased productivity: When you work during your best times, you can get through even the hardest tasks with more focus and ease.

  • Improved business-life balance: Embracing your unique rhythm bring you more time to relax, recharge, and enjoy life outside of your business.


This is why I created Your Season To Bloom, because we’re all different and how we work should look different. So before we start thinking about your business strategy and goals for the next 3 months, we start with creating your unique working structure, as this will hugely impact how you show up and run your business over the next three months! Say goodbye to guilt and overwhelm and hello to a balanced, fulfilling business life. It's time to thrive on your own terms!