How to create a marketing strategy you enjoy

Laura Blume, business and marketing strategist, sat at her desk in a lilac checkerboard sweater. holding her phone and smiling

This week let's talk about one of the 4S's within your business - YOUR SOCIALS. Marketing is a big part of your business but with constant updates, new platforms to learn it can feel a little overwhelming, right?! So finding platforms and ways to make it fun and sustainable will help you continue showing up and building your brand presence. Let’s start creating a marketing strategy for you that you enjoy and you can continue implementing long term!


🌸 Step 1: Identify what your favourite ways to show up are

I like to start with this because when you know the ways of marketing that feel good for you, you’ll be able to keep doing it. It can be so easy to get swept up with just doing what everyone else is doing, but what do you like doing? Because marketing can be really creative and fun if yo let it, so what ways do you like to express your business - is it through capturing photos, recording videos, going to networking events, creating visuals, speaking about it or writing it down? Which of these feel the most fun and enjoyable for you? There may be other ways too that you want to include!

💫 Step 2: Choose which platforms/ways of marketing allow you to do this

This is where you can be more intentional with the how you spend your time with your marketing strategy. Choosing platforms you enjoy using, but also focus on your strengths and how you like showing up. If you enjoy writing, think about focusing more of your time on blogging and emails, if you enjoy speaking, how about a podcast and speaking events. If you enjoy creating visuals can you spend more time incorporating pinterest into your strategy?

🌞 Step 3: Incorporate these into your marketing strategy

List out the platforms that make it easy for you to show up and then from there you can build other platforms in with the content you’ve already created. Start with one platform and slowly incorporate the others, I know it can be tempting to want to do them all at once, but getting one platform set up really well, it will make it easier to add others by repurposing the content to other platforms.

☁️ Step 4: Create your content marketing schedule

Now you know which platforms you’re going to focus on, it’s time to create a content plan! This looks different for everyone, so similar to deciding your platforms, start small and build up.

Example of monthly content schedule:

  • 1 blog post

  • 4 newsletters

  • 8 instagram posts

This is a simplified and high level example but if it gives you an idea of what your content plan could include. Yours however, may look very different depending on the marketing platforms you choose and your posting frequency for each.

🌻 Step 5: Takeaway or adjust how you use certain platforms to work better for you

 You may find as you go through this process that you’re using platforms that don’t serve you, and feel like more of a drain and overwhelming. If you can take any out of your strategy and swap other platforms or ways of marketing that feel better for you, go for it! It’ll make it more sustainable in the long run!

Step 6: Review these changes to your marketing strategy

Once you’ve been implementing these changes for a few months, it’s time to review, see how you’re feeling about the platforms you’re using and ways of marketing. Are there any platforms that you thought you’d enjoy but aren’t, are there platforms you’re ready to let go of? Make any changes so that it feels and works better for you, getting into a new flow can take some time, so it may be a case of carrying on testing it out for a few more months before making any big changes!

Remember there are lots of ways to market your business and you don’t need to be on all the platforms or create all the content.

If you’ve got any questions about your marketing strategy and you’d like to spend an hour chatting it through and making an action plan you can implement, book an untangle session here.