Let’s plan out your unique business strategy!

Creative Business & Marketing Consultancy for Entrepreneurs

You may need help with a particular area of your small business, like your marketing plan…

Or you want to create an overall strategy for how you want your business to run and work for you.

And that's where an online business consultant comes in handy...

If you’re feeling a bit stuck and winging it some days, I’ll be in your corner to give you support and help you map out a systematic action plan for the next steps in your business journey!

Laura Blume - online business strategist, wearing an orange and pink wavy top, standing in the kitchen holding her phone
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What business areas we can plan together

We can work on all of these areas within your business or you may want to just pick one to focus on depending on your needs. The goal is finding ways to bring more intention into how you show up and run your business.

Your story green flower symbol


This is where it all begins. This is the foundation of your business, where the brand comes to life and the clarity happens. Your mission, vision, values and messaging.

Your seasons, orange arch symbol


We all work differently as humans and have different seasons for how we work throughout the year, months, weeks even days! Understanding how you work can bring you and your business more space and focus.

Your systems, blue shape symbol


Once you know what your working seasons look like, we need some systems to support you. Systems don’t have to be complicated, it’s just working out a system that you can follow and use to run your business.

Your socials, pink shaped symbol


Let's spread your message and share your wonderful business with everyone else! Marketing is a big part of running your business, so let's find the best ways of showing up and reaching your people that you enjoy!


Work with me

Business Strategy Services

Whether you just need a call to chat through somewhere you’re feeling stuck or you’d like to create a unique business strategy for running your whole business, have a read about the two options below.


4 month 1:1 business consulting


Over the four months, you’ll be letting go of overwhelm and feeling scattered, and step into your next work season with more clarity, confidence and balance! We’ll spend four months really getting to understand how you work and create a structure around that, so both you and your business can flourish! Is this your season to bloom?


60 minute business strategy sessions


Do you have those days where you’re a bit stuck and you really just want to chat it through with someone and plan out some next steps to move through this sticking point? I’ve needed this so many times over the years of running my business, so I wanted to create a way for you to get that instant support in those moments when you really need it. Sometimes you just need a sounding board to get all your ideas organised! After each 60 minute session you’ll come away feeling clearer and with steps ready to action!


Kind Words


"Our Untangle session was exactly what I was looking for - I knew there were some things which felt a bit disorganised! To have Laura there to help unpick my thoughts was brilliant. I feel much more settled with using my marketing strategy across various platforms and how to reuse some new long form content effectively. It's also brought that fresh excitement you get at the start of a new project! Thank you so much!"

Amanda - Designer & Illustrator


“I came into the session knowing I wanted to eliminate some annoying work arounds I'd been doing to manage my client admin and bring some sort of system to my marketing. I left the session, with admin bits sorted and with a brilliant - and EASY - marketing routine for my main 1:1 offering. Laura gave me an email series idea that really worked for me and within 24 hours I came up with 8 ideas, wrote them up and scheduled them! Now I know my marketing for my 1:1 work is half done for the next two months - amazing!“

Jo - Freedom Coach

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